Monday, 24 October 2011

What a lovely day for a double christening

My two girls were christened on Sunday and it was a lovely day. It was totally chaotic, but beautiful. The sun shone, not a single cloud was in the sky and it was really warm. A degree or two too hot for me but I've never been a massive fan of scorching heat. The church service was lovely, not too OTT with the religious stuff as its not everyones taste, and the minister was nice and relaxed when toddlers started running all over the place. My two joined in of course which was funny considering Missy Moo was meant to be the star of the show. The day was pretty hectic, with 3 kids to worry about plus a houseful of people who all arrived back from the church at the same time as I was trying to unload the car.... eftpos didn't work at the local red rooster so our lunch was held to ransom until hubby found an ATM. A couple of minor hiccups on an otherwise great day. Everyone chipped in and helped in some way shape or form which I am eternally grateful for. A friend changed Monkey Man into cooler clothes for me, family got the nibblies out while everyone milled around waiting for lunch - thank gawd I decided at the last minute to do some starters. Friends took turns holding Little Miss who didn't seem to want to sleep but was happy enough awake. The kids all splashed and ran around in the paddling pool, it was so hot! A fairy came and did face painting and bubbles and games and dancing so the kids were well and truly happy. Although there was tantrums galore from the toddlers who missed a day sleep due to the church service being in the middle of the day. Monkey Man partied hard, had no day sleep and collapsed in a heap just before 5pm, passing out in the loungeroom with half a dozen people talking over him. There he stayed for a good hour before we put him to bed and he slept 12 hours solid!! We now have a heap of presents to open (won't do that in front of Monkey Man as he won't understand why there is nothing for him) and a fridge and pantry full of cake, lollipops, lollies, cupcakes, soft cheeses, etc etc and all of it is calling my name. I predict a gain at WW this weekend!!!


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