Christmas 2011 has been and gone, and like many first dates, sadly it's left me feeling rather let down. All the anticipation, all the preparation, all the excitement, and for what? I'm left with overtired kids, over flowing bins, a fridge bursting at the seams, too many toys and no idea where to put them. We had a fabulous Christmas and boxing day, lots of family, lots of food, lots of presents, a few drinks and a few laughs. My brother took great delight in taking the piss (so to speak) out of me as I tried to host hot lunch for 18 adults. It ended up being alot of work and thank goodness for family who stepped in, as without the team effort we would have been ordering pizza for sure. Lunch was a hit, we all ate, drank and were merry. The kids ran riot, eating a lovely diet of chips, lollies, cake, pink chicken (ham) and chicken (turkey) for 2 days straight. Not much day sleep was had as the excitement was just too much to handle and as a result we're still enduring many tantrums. Sometimes it's a bad thing to have such routine driven kids. Present opening was a blur or ripped paper, discarded gift tags and piles upon piles of presents. Fark knows where we're gonna put all this stuff?? I honestly cannot tell you who gave what to my kids and am embarrassed to say I am going to have to ask. Monkey Man ripped everything at great pace and with sheer delight, bearing in mind this is the first christmas for him where he's really understanding the whole present concept. Funnily enough he will tell you that 'Santa brings Thomas' as every gift he got was more of that bloody blue train. He also tantrummed when there was still gifts under the tree and he was told he couldn't open them as they weren't for him. Missy Moo was very overwhelmed by all the people, the noise, and clung to Daddy most of the time, him or Nanny (my Mum). I was avoided as I was clearly the scary, stressed, sweating one trying to get the vegies cooked so we could eat before NYE. We have a reasonably big house but there were alot of people in my little kitchen! Little Miss just took it all in, watched the goings on and occasionally cried when people stuck their heads right into her face. Why people think babies like that I'll never know? Would you like it if someone stuck their head right in your face? I doubt it.
Overall it was a lovely time, and I am grateful for our health, happiness and blessed to have wonderful people in our lives. I am a little sad though, as once again there is no photos of my kids and I on the day, either of the days. That was my little baby's first christmas and I don't have a photo of us together. I just wish that someone would occasionally grab a camera for me and take some pics. I host these events as a. I enjoy it and b. it's easier with my young kids to stay home in our environment. I don't have to worry about a car packed to the rafters for a day out, my kids destroying anyone elses property and their beds, clothes etc are all at hand if and when needed. My daughters were christened earlier this year and there is no photos of us together. Christmas has been and gone, no photos of us together. And no photo of my family of 5 from either event. Family and friends tease me about being obsessed with professional photos but it really seems to be the only way to get these photos. It sux to have to pay to have these moments captured. I'm seeing everyone's Christmas photos go up on facebook and I can't bring myself to post mine as I'm so disappointed with the few I managed to capture. Our kids will only be young for a short time, and they grow and change so much. It would be nice to capture more of that on film, if only for prosperitys sake.
Am I totally vain to think this way? How do I change this?
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