It's ANZAC Day here in Australia, a day to remember those that gave their lives for our freedom. My hubby is ex-army, my brothers are ex-army and current policeforce, my uncles are ex-air force, my dad is ex-navy and ex-police force so ANZAC Day has always been rather special to me. I find myself very teary seeing the men and women in uniform, hearing the last post played, seeing the old soldiers whose lives were forever changed when they were mere babies themselves. To think of what they went through, its just terrible.
In years gone by we've attended Dawn Services to pay our respects to those that gave their lives, and those that serve past and present. Since having kids its been impossible to get to a Dawn Service and I feel very guilty about that. We did go one year having organised someone to sit with baby Monkey Man, I was pregnant, it was pouring with rain, freezing cold but there were still thousands of people in attendance. We will go back in a few years and we will take our kids along who will be taught the importance of this day. Until then we will most likely be awake at dawn every ANZAC Day (like every other day) and the kids will watch the march on the TV with us. I look forward to explaining whats happening and why, and teaching them just how important those men and women are. I hope some of the oldest diggers are still marching, or participating, when my kids are old enough to understand just how special those men are. Lest We Forget.
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