Avery Fox Charles Tatton was born on the 14th of July 2011, a few weeks before my Little Miss. Avery was perfect, he was full term, he was beautiful and he was sleeping. His passing shook his family to the core. His story continues to touch so many, told through his mothers tears and struggles. His mother, Kristie, is one of the most amazing people I've been lucky enough to know. Her strength and courage are nothing short of amazing. Her determination to bring the subject of stillbirth to the forefront, speaking so openly about her loss, honestly she is a hero in my eyes. Faced with the same devastation, I really don't think I could go on the way she has.
Avery would have been one in a few weeks. He should be smashing a cake and smiling a big cheesy grin with his first teeth poking through. He may have been attempting his first steps.
His family deserve to receive some special birthday mail. If you can spare a few dollars, a moment of your time, please send Avery a birthday card. A tiny gesture that would mean so SO much to his mum, dad and big sister Tara who at 5 and a half has dealt with way more than any child should have to. All the details on where to send your card can be found on the below link.
You can read more about Avery, his mumma, and their journey here. I promise you won't be the same after reading about Avery. You will hug your babies a little tighter and appreciate what you've got.
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