So when Monkey Man tells me to 'take a photo' I do. These are the lessons I learnt:
1. taking a shot of Monkey Man and Missy Moo teaching Little Miss how to crawl (which she finally did for the first time today!!) looks like they're attacking me. Because they are!
2. Monkey Man never fails to find an awkward and weird position to get into - toddlers are bendy!
3. My children are extremely loving towards each other and 'cuddle' alot - when they're not fighting like animals
4. It's really hard to take a decent 'selfy' with my new toy - add a wriggly baby to the shot and its near impossible
5. Missy Moo is a poser - hello $$ in my future! Little Miss likes to see your face so you've gotta line up the shot and then pop out to 'see' her in order to get a smile and Monkey Man needs to work on his 'cheese' face
6. Little Miss is fast becoming not so little *sad face*
7. Monkey Man is almost 3 but still has those chubby toddler hands going on, nawwww
8. Missy Moo has THE BEST SMILE
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