I started this blogging business as a way to vent my frustrations as well as record my childrens' milestones - perhaps that should be the other way round?? I never expected to be contacted by anyone and asked to write for them - and I certainly didn't expect two different places to contact me in a matter of days? Convinced it was a wind up of some sort, I was slightly wary but turns out they read my blog and well, kinda like my style. I've said nothing about it as I didn't know if it would turn into anything (did I mention I was wary??)....Could I meet a deadline? Could I write how they wanted? Could I meet a word limit demand - I do tend to waffle on a bit. Anyway! I often wonder if anyone is reading my rambles, whinges and complaints? Turns out, yes people are actually reading my stuff. Like, wow!!
Yesterday I submitted my first article and not only did they like it, and not re-write it too much, they hit the publish button - today! Totally surreal to see your own name next to 'written by'??
So apparently now more people are reading my stuff. . . and well, thats just awesome!! Maybe I shouldn't swear so much? Maybe I shouldn't ask myself questions so much? I'm proud of my 5 minutes of fame, it most likely won't turn into anything else but who cares.
Come check my article here - yes it's about the bloody birthday party again. That's what I was asked to write about - it's not my fault!! Please, come share a virtual glass of champers with me darlings and celebrate my five minute brush with fame. I promise to remember all my lovely friends when I'm a total celeb, like for real.
In case you're feeling not worthy right now, don't panic. I still changed what I'm sure was 100 shitty nappies today, and I washed eleventy billion socks, I cleaned up food mess and toynamis that seem to take over the house multiple times a day. Hell I had a total snap moment and poured a half full cup of water over my Monkey Man when he wouldn't stop pouring it all over the table. Two wrongs and all that? Shit! In hindsight I didn't handle that well. Oh yes, I'm living the dream people, living.the.dream.