Thinking about it, its the 3rd thing to go wrong and you know how they say things go wrong in threes?? I got a parking fine last week, or was it the week before? I hit a gutter while driving home on Saturday afternoon and burst the tyre, leaving me to do the whole damsel in distress thing as I couldn't change the tyre by myself. It could have been worse, I could have had the kids with me. And then my camera died. All things that will cost money, money we don't have right now.... I keep telling myself to be grateful, things could always be worse and really, we have our health blah blah blah! Give me a break please universe, I'm kinda over stressing.
I've been a bit quiet recently I know. I've found adjusting to work quite hectic and I'm still not 100% its for me. Its not the job, the job is fine, I suspect its me and the whole not knowing what I want thing I've got going on. The kids have adjusted fairly well, we're still perfecting getting out the door of a morning but am hoping that will come over time and they're happy with life as it is. They love school and seeing their friends and teachers. They're learning alot. I see women with children at the shops near my work and the pangs of guilt are nothing short of phenomenal. They should be me, I should be with my kids and not at work. I wonder if it ever goes away, or at least eases? Does it? Will I ever know what I want 100%? I'd love to find something to do from home that paid a little bit towards bills, gave me a sense of satisfaction and contribution and allowed me to be home with my kids. Sadly I don't want to be a tupperware or body shop consultant so my search for that magical role continues... maybe I should be a party planner?? Being a grown up really sux sometimes
Oh Liza, I only just read this. Canon were amazing with our warranty claim, so hope it is all sorted for you really quickly xxx