image taken from Kidspot
I've honestly never thought I'd make any money out of doing this, and that wasn't my intention when I began. I'm writing my blog as a form of baby book, one place to capture the milestones and funny moments my kids have. With three kids I was attempting to write in three baby books, I was also writing on facebook, on forums and on the wall calendar. It was confusing and I was creating more work for myself then I had to. I try to capture whats going on in my personal non mum life, weight loss, work, whatever. I know I will forget all this stuff, I mean I'm lucky to remember what we did last week without writing it down. I like to think that one day there will be enough content in here to print it out, maybe into a book and show it to my kids, or even my grandkids. They can laugh at what a nut job I was or still am.
I also wanted a place to vent my frustrations. Being a stay at home mum with 3 little ones can be lonely and isolating. I have friends but many have fewer/older/younger kids than me, or live far away and many are working mums so their free/family time is precious. Yes I can go out with the monkeys in tow but sometimes the effort involved in getting everyone out, while working around alternating sleep and meal times is frankly not worth it. Rushing to get things done in the small window of time I have available is stressful for everyone involved and if not absolutely necessary why endure it. We have playdates at home, we visit friends and we do go out but quality adult time and conversation is limited for me right now. I think this is part of why I want to try part time work. I also want to get to the occasional gym glass without worrying about creche times or mother guilt. There has to be more than play school, play dates and play-dough. I know there is, I know its out there, I just need to find it and become a part of it. As my children get older the limitations will ease and it will get easier to get out and about with and without them. Until then the community of bloggers out there grants me a few minutes of adult conversation, and reminds me that I'm not alone and for that I am so grateful. If some are making money from it, than I'm happy for them and like I said, maybe when I grow up can I be like them? There are many mums out there in similar positions to me and like me they stay sane by writing their thoughts and feelings down. I thank them for sharing, and for showing me that my crazy thoughts are not mine alone. Now where and how do I get me a new car??
Oh gorgeous, thank you so much for mentioning me!
ReplyDeleteI was the same as you, and started my blog simply for me, and had it set to private all through my pregnancy and Carter's first few months. Now, it's become my second job and I've had a few offers and perks along with way, and I'm slowly building it up. It's helped that I've had a wonderful friend and mentor- Danimezza, as she guided me from went I from private to public.
Like you I can't swear, and I have to be very careful what I write about as I'm a teacher (as you know!) from a small school and town. Word can travel very fast, and I would never want my career to be in jeopardy. Good luck with it all hun, enjoy the ride! Email me if you ever need some help! xx