Why was I researching daycare centres? Well I had an interview this morning and I am very pleased with how it went, however it did cement one thing for me and thats that I do want to go back to work. It was my first interview and who knows what the outcome will be. Apparantly the 4 people that were interviewed will be notified on Wednesday if/who are progressing to the second round of interviews. 165 people applied for this job - appears part time work is in high demand? - and only 4 were interviewed so I feel pretty special to be one of those 4. The premises and the people were lovely and I'd be more than happy to work there - cross your fingers for me please! I haven't gotten the job yet, or any job for that matter but I figured it wouldn't hurt to make some calls to daycare centres. I had a suspicion it wouldn't be easy to get 3 kids into the same centre on the same days, and my suspicion was confirmed when after 25 phone calls I was told for a 25th time that 'they were full'. We're on a few waiting lists so please cross your fingers that by the time I go back to work that the stars align and we get daycare places at the same time.
After using my brain for a change I am exhausted so I'm gonna try and have an early night tonight. Not sure I can remember the last time I went to bed before midnight??
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