Rhi and I have known each other a few years and she inspires me daily, especially with her fluro tights and brightly coloured hair. You go girl! Rhi has got to be one of the most creative and genuine people I know and this is shown on her beautiful blog. She supports me as I muddle my way through this new world, and is happy to lend a hand whenever I ask. Nothing but love for you gorgeous girl, xx
Rhi's Little Lion is the same age as my Monkey Man, (funnily enough seeing as we're in an online mums group together), so it seemed fitting to post about him. I'm slightly gushy and lovey about my Monkey Man, what can I say... I just love him! And I was in a good mood when I wrote it.
Now I've done a guest post, does this make me an official blogger? haha, seeing I'm still very much wearing those L plates, I don't think so but its fun learning as I go. Come check me out
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