a few clothes for charity?
When I weighed myself this morning I was shocked to see I've lost another 3kg. Thrilled, ecstatic etc etc etc!! I celebrated with a bit of cake (only a bit as I was busy feeding or chasing kids) and a milkshake after Dorothy's Beach Party... The kids were a bit overwhelmed but really got into it at the end, typical. I did the sucker parent thing and bought them some merchandise each, and then got smacked in the head with that bloody glowstick thing over and over throughout the show. They had fun, saw Nanny and the dinosaur, danced, ate cake and milkshake afterwards before running wild in the coffee shop section. Monkey Man completed the outing with a lay down on the floor tanty when told it was time to go home. He and Missy Moo then fell asleep in the car on the ten minute drive home and I considered driving to Canberra to keep them asleep. I needed that cake, definitely. Just wish I'd had more of it.
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