Violet Crumble chocolate bar, mmmm nom nom nom! I was devastated when Nestle stopped making the bite size violet crumbles in family bags and the snack size bar isn't the same. This stuff is g.o.o.d!!
Hoodies for feet - snuggly, cosy and warm slippers although I still can't and will never ever wear slippers outside of my house. These are awesome
Musk Sticks, the only 'candy' type sweet I cannot say no to, and will eat an entire packet in a sitting if I let myself. Yummmo and brings childhood memories with their pink sugary goodness.
Bloom by Kelle Hampton, emotional, beautiful and raw... I can't put this down
My Missy Moo - almost 2, totally gorgeous and a laugh and smile that lights up a room.
Monkey Man - almost 3, cheeky, funny, talkative and tells me he loves me.
Little Miss - almost 1, mummys girl, cuddly, in awe of her brother and sister
Tell me your favourite things, right here, right now
She is so not almost one, no way!!!!